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Copyright Missy Earl

~* Award Picture *~

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* 5 x 7 Painters Framed Canvas.
* Dark T-Shirt Transfer.
* Iron.
* Scrap cardboard.
* Award Picture template.

Graphics are from CC40: Americana.


Open a landscape sheet in your print program. Import the award picture template. Fill with desired graphics. A 3/4" will be your overlap to cover the canvas sides so keep that in mind when locating your main graphic decoration.

Follow the Dark T-shirt transfer's instructions on printing.

Cut out and center on your canvas. Cut and stack scrap cardboard to fit inside the back of the canvas opening to give you a stable ironing surface.

Again, follow the transfer's instructions to iron the piece to the canvas. Do the front part first. Clip the corners, fold in and iron the sides.

I wanted a "distressed" finish on my picture so I purposely over ironed areas and pulled the cover sheet off on other areas before the transfer was cool to get this effect.

Now you can pin the medal on the canvas and make an award winning child very happy!!

Copyright © 1997 - 2025 Helena Normark/Graphic Garden®.
Please note that the graphics used to decorate this site are my personal property.