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Copyright Missy Earl

~* Kitchen Canisters *~

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* Anchor Hocking Cracker Jars in 3 sizes.
* Waterslip Decal Paper- white paper backing.
* Krylon Crystal Clear Paint Spray.
* Wide Painters Tape.
* Large, medium and small canister templates.

Background from CC19: Love, butterflies from CC8: Summer bears and flowers/teapot from CC5: Spring.


Import the templates into your print program.

Import your desired graphics and decorate to your liking. To give it depth, have some of your lettering lay on top of your graphics.

Follow the manufacture's instructions for printing on the waterslip decal paper. Let dry for about an hour.

Spray with a couple of light, but thorough coats of Krylon spray. Cut out when dry. Apply decal according to manufacture's instructions. Let decal dry completely.

Use wide painters tape, and cover the jar around the outside edges of the decal to cover the glass from over spray. Leave about an 1/8" space between the decal and the painter's tape. Spray with several light coats of the Krylon spray to seal the decal. Let dry completely before removing the painter's tape.

The Cracker Jars come with sliver metal lids. You can primer and paint them to match your decals! Be sure not to get paint inside the lid or the cracker jar. You don't want the paint coming in contact with any food. Decals can be handwashed with a damp cloth.

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Please note that the graphics used to decorate this site are my personal property.