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Copyright Missy Earl

~* Shopping Lists, List Box and Pencil Holder *~

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* Cardstock.
* Inkjet paper.
* Magnet dot.
* Glue, double sided tape or hot glue.
* Optional: Laminating sheets.
* List container template, List template and Pencil holder template.

Graphics are from CC20: Easter.


Open a landscape paper in your print program. Import List Container template into your print program. Adjust size as needed. Import graphics to fill box with your chosen designs. Print cardstock on highest setting. Optional: Laminate the List Container. Cut out. Fold on lines to form the box. On the bottom of the box, clip dashed lines to small dotted line. Fold up and adhere bottom closed. Adhere back flaps together. Hot glue magnet to the back.

Open another landscape paper in your print program. Import List Template. Adjust size as needed so finsihed lists will fit into your List Container. Import desired graphics to decorate the list. Print out multiple copies on inkjet paper. Cut out lists and place in finished List Container.

Import Pencil Holder Template. Adjust size as needed. Fill with imported graphics. Print on inkjet paper on your highest setting. Optional: Laminate. Cut out and roll around pencil to form holder. Overlap ends and adhere together. Fold little bottom piece up and seal with a thin line of hot glue. Glue to the side of the List Holder.

Add a pencil, place your list papers in the box and now it's ready to hang on your fridge!

Copyright © 1997 - 2025 Helena Normark/Graphic Garden®.
Please note that the graphics used to decorate this site are my personal property.